Sowing seeds of Kingdom


Partner in Finance

Sow into Kingdom advancement on the North Coast, and beyond, by donating a one off amount, or through regular giving.

Partner in Prayer

Partner with us by praying for the transforming power of Jesus to bring life and hope to our communities. As the Apostle Paul said in his letter to the Ephesian church,

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.”

Ephesian 6:18-20

Partner in Mission

We have been given the assignment of being Christ’s ambassadors on the earth, to partner with Him in his mission of making disciples of the nations and seeing His Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. This is a mandate for every person, in every space and and every place. If you would like to join in with our community of mission, please get in touch

Bank Details

Name: Portico Church Limited
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Gift Aid Details

Are you a UK Taxpayer?

If so, for every £1 you give, Portico Church will be able to claim 25p back from the HMRC. To find out more and fill out the Gift Aid declaration form, tap the button below.

You Were Made for More

When we read the New Testament there are two obvious questions we need to ask…

Firstly, “does my life look like the life of a disciple?”

Secondly, and most importantly, “do I want it to?”

At Mission School these are the questions that drive the future that God is calling us into.

If you are hungry to step into all the Father has for you, hungry to see the Kingdom being released in you and through you, and hungry to see lives touched by God and transformed forever then our Kingdom Academy could be for you.

We believe that when Jesus commissioned his disciples to bring transformation to the nations He also commissioned us. As Jesus followers our goal is to see people step into their Identity, Authority and Assignment as they release hope and life to the city, and beyond, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Mission School is not like any normal school. Our goal is not just to inform you with information but to release revelation, which brings the transformation of God.

We uncover Kingdom truths together in a space where taking risks is normal and encouraged, and then activated as we take these Kingdom truths to the city.

To find out more, and apply to join, get in touch today